Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, November 25, 2010

13th Posting: And Down We Go....

It's Thanksgiving today.  We're having my family come over.  I am thankful for so many things this year, but at the moment, things are difficult.

Luke has started having these episodes.  He'll be fine, just chillin' out, and then his oxygen level will plummet and he turns a shade of blue.   At that time, the nurses turn up the amount of oxygen that's being given to him.  They suction out his breathing tube incase there's anything blocking it.  So far, he's managed to bring his levels back up, but he's had about four of these episodes since 10:00 last night.  It's now 9:00am. 

The doctors just weaned him off some of the Nitric oxide this week so maybe this is his way of reacting to it.  All the headway we've made on the ventilator is being taken away.  His levels are the same as they were a week ago.

Tomorrow Luke will be a month old.  I still don't know if he's going to make it or not.  I wish there was more of a clear cut path but there just isn't.

Now, I must pretend to be in a decent mood for my kids who are home with me.  They're so excited for this day.  Right now, they're the only reason I have to keep going.  To say this is difficult is an understatement.  I know God doesn't give you what you can't handle, but we're truly stretching the limits here.


  1. I know we are in completely different areas of our life, but what you described is EXACTLY how I am feeling today - sure hope it gets better for the both of us - Hang in there sweet Luke!
